Business Insurance Bad Faith Litigation

Businesses pay insurance premiums in good faith, under the expectation that, if they ever need to file a claim, the insurance company will provide the necessary money to cover all damages.

Unfortunately, insurance companies are frequently more concerned with keeping money in their own pockets, rather than paying claims. When an insurance company unreasonably delays in paying a claim or wrongfully denies a claim that it should not have denied, they are acting in bad faith.

At the law firm of Caddell & Chapman, our lawyers represent businesses in litigation over denied claims, particularly large commercial claims. The firm has litigated several large bad faith and coverage lawsuits against major insurance companies, which resulted in substantial recoveries ranging from $7 million to over $20 million. Knowing we have over two decades of experience on our side, our clients are confident in our ability to successfully resolve these matters.

Why was the Commercial Claim Filed?

More often than not, instances of business insurance bad faith arise when a business files a claim for property damage. Perhaps the business was damaged due to a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or a fire. Perhaps the damage was more subtle, such as mold damage, yet still requires costly repairs.

While claims for property damage are the most common, businesses can also file insurance claims for business interruption. This can also be an area of dispute.

Insurance companies may deny claims, hiding under fine print in the policy. In the end, they may simply be denying a claim they should approve.

Representing Businesses Nationwide

From our office in Houston, our attorneys represent businesses throughout the United States. We have taken on many of the major insurance companies and have a record of success in these cases. These are recorded by Court reporters from Naegeli. Court Reporters attend courtroom proceedings and other proceedings to make verbatim official recordings and to record formal and/or informal meetings.

Contact us today to discuss your business insurance case with an experienced lawyer.


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