From our office in Houston, the law firm of Caddell & Chapman handles consumer class action lawsuits nationwide.

Established in 1985, our law firm is dedicated to handling significant cases, cases presenting challenges that require a great deal of creativity and resources to overcome. Our lawyers have earned a record of success taking on major businesses, such as Ford, TransUnion, Equifax, Experian, Exxon Mobil, Lexis Nexis, Shell, Celanese, DuPont, Firestone, Hyundai, State Farm, Farmers, Hartford, Allstate, Toshiba, American Express, and others.

If you believe you have been wronged by a business in any way, our lawyers are here to assert your rights.

Turning Consumer Protection Claims Into Class Action Lawsuits

When individuals turn to us with a consumer protection claim, we will thoroughly review the issue to determine how many people have been impacted. Frequently, we find that issues that impact one consumer often turn out to be issues that impact many consumers.

We build strong class action lawsuits designed to get compensation for every individual impacted by the wrongdoing of the business. For example, Caddell & Chapman was co-lead counsel in the largest consumer property damage case in history, in which over $1.2 billion (total attorneys’ fees:  $42,230,000; litigation expenses: $536,000) was recovered from Shell and Celanese.  Beginning in the late 1970s, Shell Oil worked with Celanese and DuPont in the development and marketing of a polybutylene plumbing (PB) system.  The pipes were made of polybutylene, which is a resin by-product of a Shell oil-refining process, and the fittings were developed and manufactured by Celanese and DuPont.  The systems were marketed to the residential home market.  The three companies claimed the PB systems would last the normal lifetime of most buildings, but, in fact, the products were likely to degrade or corrode and ultimately fail when exposed to chemicals found in drinking water.

Some of the consumer protection issues that frequently turn into class action lawsuits are:

Using Class Actions To Assist Those Who Cannot Be Heard

Caddell & Chapman also has served the community through its class action practice. On a pro bono basis, Caddell & Chapman represented victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in a national class action lawsuit against the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), alleging that FEMA’s mishandling of its housing assistance programs violates federal laws and regulations. The firm persuaded a federal district court to issue a preliminary injunction against FEMA compelling the agency to provide assistance with hurricane victims’ utilities as well as base rent.

For Some Katrina Evacuees, Another Displacement Looms,” The Washington Post

Consumers: Tell Us About Your Claims

Businesses can wrong consumers in countless ways. If you believe the wrongdoing of a business has cost you money, contact us today.

Attorneys: We Can Assist With Complex Class Actions

If a client has come to you with a consumer protection claim that you have determined is actually a class action issue, we encourage you to turn to our experienced lawyers for assistance. Contact us today.


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